Tuesday 12 February 2019

Colorado: Voltage regulator for XBee Pro 802.15.4 module

TI TPS7A4700 voltage regulartor board
In order to access/manage the 802.15.4 network, a Digi XBee Pro module is being integrated with a Raspberry Pi, the device where the STEAM gateway will run.

This module has a typical voltage input of 3.3V, with a consumption that depends on many factors (versions, PRO features and running modes). In the case of the Xbee Pro S1 international version with RPSMA antenna connector (Digi part number XBP24-ASI-001J), the consumption when transmitting is 150mA, far from the 50mA that the Raspberry Pi GPIO-40 pin 1 outputs.

Is therefore necessary relying on a external power supply or taking the voltage from the Raspberry Pi GPIO-40 pins 2 or 4, that outputs 5V with currents up to 1,5A (depending on the Raspberry Pi PSU). In this last case, a voltage regulator is necessary.

For that purpose, a good option is using a versatile low noise TI TPS7A4700 that, depending on the pin configuration, can output different voltages with a wide input voltage range (3-36V) and a maximum output current of 1A.

The board shown in the photo supports that flexible output voltage configuration by shorting the numbered solder pads and adding to the default 1.4V the value shown in the pad. For instance, shorting the pads 0.4 and 3.2 you get 1.4 + 0.4 + 3.2 = 5V, or shorting the pads 0.1, 0.2 and 1.6 you get 1.4 + 0.1 + 0.2 + 1.6 = 3.3V. The maximum output voltage is 20V.

The shown board can be bought in the TekDevice online shop or eBay.