Colorado: 802.11.4 concentrator on Raspberri PI

STEAM Colorado project logo
Colorado (river) project is addressed to develop a concentrator software stack coded in Java running on Raspberry PI hardware (Raspbian OS) using 802.15.4 communication for accessing to its litems by integrating a Digi XBee 802.15.4 module.

The objectives of the project are, in order:
  1. Supporting the role of a 802.15.4 PAN coordinator, ie, creating a 802.15.4 star network and granting access to 802.15.4 end nodes (litems).  
  2. Developing the STEAM litem protocol (from the concentrator side) to allow the concentrator-litems integration
  3. Developing the STEAM concentrator protocol (from the concentrator side) to allow the concentrator-manager integration.
The code is located in the subdirectory SteamProject/software/concentrators/802.15.4/raspbian/colorado/ of the GitHub repository.

Colorado river is closely bound to the state of Colorado. For that reason, the above icon has been selected to represent graphically this project. This icon is shared with the "Elbert" 802.15.4 litems project.

Current status

The project has completed Task 00 (Provide project infrastructure) and therefore the milestone M00 (Project infrastructure available) has been reached.

Check "Project planning" to get detailed information about project roadmap and milestones. To get detailed project status progress, check the Colorado concentrator project on the repository.

Project planning


  • RPi: Raspberry Pi.
  • XBee: Digi Xbee 802.15.4 device.
  • X2: Digi Xbee X2 coordinator.


  • Task 00: Provide the project infrastructure. Once completed, the milestone M00 will be reached.
    • T00.001: Create Github repository project subdirectory
    • T00.002: Create blog project entry (this page)
    • T00.003: Get a RPi operational board
    • T00.004: Get a X2 coordinator
    • T00.005: Get a Xbee device compatible with Digi Xbee X2 coordinator
    • T00.006: Test the integration between Xbee and X2
  • Task 01: Integrate RPi and Xbee at software and hardware level. Once completed, the milestone M01 will be reached.
    • T01.001: Connect Xbee module serial port to RPi serial port
    • T01.002: Install Java in RPi
    • T01.003: Install Digi Xbee Java libraries
    • T01.004: Test connectivity between Java libraries and Xbee
    • T01.005: Enable RTS/CTS on RPi GPIOs to allow hardware flow control onRPi-Xbee serial link
    • T01.006: Test connectivity between Java libraries and Xbee using hardware flow control
  • Task 02: To be defined


  1. M00: Project infrastructure available
  2. M01: RPi and Xbee integrated
  3. M02: To be defined

Project resources